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Taste Test Fundraiser

Taste test fundraiser means great food, new epicurean adventures and the satisfaction of knowing you have helped a child in need while having a blast at the same time. What could be better?

If you're ready for a fun and fairly easy way to raise funds for your international adoption, this fundraiser might be for you. sushi

The Food

Of course, if you do decide to hold a taste test fundraiser, you will need food, and lots of it. Getting your food donated is a great way to cut down on costs, which means more funds going towards your adoption. So how do you find food for your taste test fundraiser?

Actually, you can get your food in a number of ways, either through private donations, local restaurants and gourmet markets and even through corporate sources.

Your Friendly Cooks

Is your family Lithuanian? Does a good friend have a whole slew of chocolate recipes? You could get family members or friends to prepare unusual recipes for your taste test fundraiser. Your guests could try the different dishes and vote on their favorite. If you go this route, you will need to sell tickets in advance or charge admission.

Promoting Local Businesses

Check with your local restaurants, wineries or even cooking schools. Such establishments might be happy to donate some food - in exchange for the free advertising. Just be sure to prepare a handout with the name and location of each donor, along with the name of the dish they prepared.

The Corporate Route

Better still, if you're in the right location, and if you can find enough people to participate, a corporation may actually pay you and provide the food for free. Plus, your guests won't have to pay a thing. It's a definite win/win for everyone involved.

So why would a corporation pay you to host a taste test fundraiser? Companies that are developing a new product need to try it out on willing participants. The companies then collect information from your guests along with any comments about the food. It gives corporate researchers valuable insight on what will work in the market and what won't.

For organizing a taste test fundraiser, the corporation will typically pay you an amount per person, depending on the number of people who are attending. The more guests you have, the more you will get paid per person.

Other Helpful Sources

Are you thinking about pursuing an international adoption? Developing a plan for how you'll pay for that adoption is the first step you should take. Here are some ways to get started.

There are many ways to fund an international adoption. Here are some ideas to help pay adoption costs.

The Adoption Tax Credit is Uncle Sam's way of helping you with your adoption costs. Learn more.

If you're looking for more details about the tax credit, you can read more about the tax credit for international adoption here.

International Adoption Grants are a great way to help with adoption costs. Here are some agencies that provide such grants.

Want to learn about more places to apply for international adoption grants? Here are some more great places to apply.

If you're looking for the affordable international adoption, take heart. It is possible. Here are some ideas to help save money.

Still wondering how you're going to pay those adoption expenses? Here are some more ways to raise funds for your international adoption.

A garage sale is a great way to raise adoption funds. Learn how to finance an international adoption through a garage sale.

Intimidated by high adoption costs? Don't be. Financing international adoption is like eating an elephant. You do it one bite at a time. Here are some tips.

So what are the costs of international adoption and how much will the total amount be? The answer will depend on the country you choose and whether you choose to go through an agency or pursue an independent international adoption. Learn more here.

Creative Fundraisers are unique ways to raise funds to pay adoption costs. Here are some ideas that are fun to organize.

Like the gift basket fundraiser, the best fundraisers are the ones that are fun, fairly simple to organize and - naturally - bring in the most funds for your international adoption. Learn more.

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